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Types of granite
Below you can familiarize yourself with the main types of granite with which we work. However, this list is not exhaustive

The most popular stone from which monuments are made is gabbro. Products from this rock are quite popular among consumers, because the gabbro itself has high strength, it is resistant to any external damage. Monuments made of gabbro are not afraid of frost, rain and any other environmental damage.
Products made of this stone are very undemanding in care and serve for a very long time.
There are two types of gabbro: local and Bukyna. Bukinskyi is classified as premium quality due to its rich black color.
Products made of this stone are very undemanding in care and serve for a very long time.
There are two types of gabbro: local and Bukyna. Bukinskyi is classified as premium quality due to its rich black color.

This is probably the most common Ukrainian granite. Its international trade name is Gray Ukraine, which of course means: gray Ukrainian stone.
This stone has moisture-resistant characteristics. A distinctive feature of this stone is its high strength and color stability. Products made from Pokostovo stone remain in their original form for centuries. This type of granite is easily processed and heat treated, which makes it possible to perform elements of any complexity.
This stone has moisture-resistant characteristics. A distinctive feature of this stone is its high strength and color stability. Products made from Pokostovo stone remain in their original form for centuries. This type of granite is easily processed and heat treated, which makes it possible to perform elements of any complexity.

The breed has a main red color, characterized by a wide palette of shades. This provides an excellent combination of this material with different design styles. In addition, the stone from the deposit in question is the strongest of all red granites, resistant to abrasion and other mechanical influences. It is perfectly suited for the production of various elements of external and internal decoration, the production of small architectural forms and other products. When high strength of products is important, this granite surpasses many other types of stone.

Labradorite belongs to the gabbro rock family, which has characteristic bright iridescences of blue, blue and green colors. Sometimes you can see overflows of red and yellow shades on the section. Unlike all the rocks listed above, labradorite has a coarse-grained structure. It is most often used as a building and finishing material.

Maslavsky granite stone is distinguished by its medium-grained structure. It showed itself well when using it as a building and finishing material. Maslav granite is often used in architecture and landscape design, it is used to make countertops, window sills, monuments and many other products. Today, this stone is in great demand in the markets not only of Ukraine, but also abroad. It has excellent chemical and physical properties, is easily processed, but at the same time it is a fairly strong breed. The pleasant green shade of Maslav granite helps to produce unique products from it.

The Kapustinsky granite quarry is one of the most popular granite deposits in Ukraine, because a stone with excellent physical and mechanical properties and an attractive appearance is mined here. The quarry at the Kapustyn granite deposit has been operating since 1960. The color of this granite is from bright red with black crystals to red-brown. It is perfectly heat-treated, while the color shifts to light tones. Kapustinsky granite is considered the most beautiful among all Ukrainian granites. Stone is often used for the construction of cottages, landscaping of city parks, squares, etc. Due to the coarse-grained structure, the pattern is expressed very clearly.

Granites are pink, occasionally and fragmentarily gray, to dark red in color, usually coarse-grained.
Granite is well ground and polished, the surface of the slabs is mirror-like. It is heat treated well. Facing stone unique in color. It is perfectly used for exterior cladding of buildings.
The rock is mainly used for exterior decoration, which is associated with the second degree of radioactivity assigned to it. Tokivskyi granite is popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Due to its excellent characteristics, the stone is in demand in various fields of construction.
Granite is well ground and polished, the surface of the slabs is mirror-like. It is heat treated well. Facing stone unique in color. It is perfectly used for exterior cladding of buildings.
The rock is mainly used for exterior decoration, which is associated with the second degree of radioactivity assigned to it. Tokivskyi granite is popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Due to its excellent characteristics, the stone is in demand in various fields of construction.

Didkovytskyi granite has a uniform pattern throughout the stone structure. Combinations of colors from light pink to dark brown give it elegance and uniqueness. Certified in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Radiation Safety Standards of Ukraine (NRBU) and belongs to the 1st class of natural stone breeds, thus, Didkovichi granite can be used in any type of external and internal work, including when laying granite tiles, facing granite facades and finishing with granite interiors. It lends itself well to heat treatment, polishing and other types of processing.
Granite is not afraid of moisture, wind, mechanical loads. There are no harmful components in the composition - the stone is safe for human use. Products made of the rock serve for tens of years without losing their aesthetic and physical qualities.
Granite is not afraid of moisture, wind, mechanical loads. There are no harmful components in the composition - the stone is safe for human use. Products made of the rock serve for tens of years without losing their aesthetic and physical qualities.

Represented by one chromatic type and in a polished texture, it is characterized by a light green, in places to green, color of the main background, which makes up about 50-60% of the surface, and black, pink and dark gray inclusions. During mechanical processing, the rock is well sprayed, ground, and polished. Its surface takes a good quality polishing, smooth, without pimples, with a mirror shine, fully reproduces the color and pattern of natural stone. According to their decorative properties, they belong to the II class.
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